How to Connect and Query Neo4j Database on Apache Drill?
Image by Arwen -

How to Connect and Query Neo4j Database on Apache Drill?

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Are you struggling to connect and query your Neo4j database on Apache Drill? Well, you’re in the right place! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the step-by-step process of connecting and querying your Neo4j database on Apache Drill.

What is Apache Drill?

Apache Drill is an open-source, distributed SQL engine that enables you to query and analyze large-scale datasets across various data sources, including relational databases, NoSQL databases, cloud storage, and file systems. It’s designed to be highly scalable, flexible, and fast, making it an ideal choice for big data analytics.

What is Neo4j?

Neo4j is a popular graph database management system that allows you to store, manage, and query complex relationships between data entities. It’s widely used in applications that require complex graph-based queries, such as social networks, recommendation systems, and knowledge graphs.

Why Connect Neo4j to Apache Drill?

Connecting Neo4j to Apache Drill enables you to leverage the power of both systems. You can use Apache Drill’s advanced SQL capabilities to query and analyze your graph data in Neo4j, and vice versa. This integration allows you to:

  • Perform complex graph queries on large-scale datasets
  • Use SQL to query and analyze graph data
  • Integrate Neo4j with other data sources in Apache Drill
  • Scale your graph-based applications with ease


Before we dive into the connection and query process, make sure you have the following:

  • Apache Drill 1.18.0 or later installed
  • Neo4j 4.2.0 or later installed
  • A basic understanding of Apache Drill and Neo4j concepts

Step 1: Configure Apache Drill

First, you need to configure Apache Drill to connect to your Neo4j database. Create a new Apache Drill cluster or use an existing one. Then, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Apache Drill Web UI and navigate to the Storage tab.
  2. Click the New Storage Plugin button.
  3. Select Neo4j as the storage plugin type.
  4. Enter the following configuration settings:
  "name": "neo4j",
  "config": {
    "neo4j.uri": "bolt://localhost:7687",
    "neo4j.username": "neo4j",
    "neo4j.password": "password",
    "neo4j.embedded": false

Replace the neo4j.uri, neo4j.username, and neo4j.password values with your Neo4j instance details.

Step 2: Create a Neo4j Storage Plugin

Once you’ve configured Apache Drill, create a new Neo4j storage plugin:

  1. In the Apache Drill Web UI, navigate to the Storage tab.
  2. Click the New Storage Plugin button.
  3. Select Neo4j as the storage plugin type.
  4. Enter the following configuration settings:
  "name": "neo4j_plugin",
  "config": {
    "format": "neo4j",
    "connection": "neo4j"

Replace the name value with a unique name for your storage plugin.

Step 3: Query Your Neo4j Database

Now that you’ve connected Apache Drill to your Neo4j database, you can query your graph data using Apache Drill’s SQL interface:

USE neo4j_plugin;

SELECT * FROM nodes;

This query retrieves all nodes from your Neo4j database. You can modify the query to filter, sort, or aggregate data as needed.

Example Queries

Here are some example queries to get you started:

-- Retrieve all nodes with a specific label
SELECT * FROM nodes WHERE labels = 'Person';

-- Retrieve all relationships between two nodes
SELECT * FROM relationships WHERE start_node_id = 1 AND end_node_id = 2;

-- Retrieve all nodes connected to a specific node
SELECT * FROM nodes WHERE id IN (SELECT start_node_id FROM relationships WHERE end_node_id = 1);

Optimizing Your Queries

To optimize your queries, consider the following tips:

  • Use indexes on frequently accessed nodes and relationships
  • Use efficient query patterns, such as using labels and properties to filter data
  • Avoid using SELECT * and instead specify the required columns
  • Use caching to reduce query latency


Connecting and querying your Neo4j database on Apache Drill is a powerful combination for graph-based analytics. By following this guide, you’ve successfully integrated both systems and can now leverage the strengths of both Neo4j and Apache Drill. Remember to optimize your queries for better performance and explore the vast possibilities of graph-based analytics.

Keyword Description
Apache Drill Distributed SQL engine for big data analytics
Neo4j Graph database management system
Neo4j Plugin Storage plugin for connecting Neo4j to Apache Drill

Happy querying!

Frequently Asked Question

Are you struggling to connect and query your Neo4j database on Apache Drill? Worry no more! We’ve got you covered. Check out these frequently asked questions and their answers to get started.

What is the prerequisite to connect Neo4j with Apache Drill?

Before connecting Neo4j with Apache Drill, you need to have Neo4j installed and running on your machine, and also have Apache Drill installed and configured properly. Additionally, you need to have the Neo4j connector plugin for Apache Drill installed.

How do I create a Neo4j storage plugin in Apache Drill?

To create a Neo4j storage plugin in Apache Drill, you need to add a new storage plugin configuration in the drill-override.conf file. The configuration should include the Neo4j connection details such as the bolt endpoint, username, and password. For example: “neo4j” : { “connection” : “bolt://localhost:7687”, “username” : “neo4j”, “password” : “password” }

How do I query Neo4j data in Apache Drill?

To query Neo4j data in Apache Drill, you can use the Cypher query language. You can query the Neo4j data using the Drill SQL syntax, and the Cypher query will be generated automatically by the Neo4j connector plugin. For example: “SELECT * FROM neo4j.node WHERE name=’John'” will generate a Cypher query to retrieve nodes with the name ‘John’ from the Neo4j database.

Can I use Apache Drill to perform graph traversals on Neo4j data?

Yes, you can use Apache Drill to perform graph traversals on Neo4j data. Apache Drill provides a graph traversal function that allows you to traverse the graph data in Neo4j. For example, you can use the “TRAVerse” function to traverse the graph data and retrieve nodes and relationships that match a specific pattern.

How do I optimize the performance of Neo4j queries in Apache Drill?

To optimize the performance of Neo4j queries in Apache Drill, you can use various techniques such as indexing, caching, and optimizing the Cypher queries. Additionally, you can also optimize the Apache Drill configuration, such as setting the buffer sizes and parallelism, to improve the performance of the queries.