The Ultimate Guide to Finding the Count of Comments from You on a Single Repo
Image by Arwen -

The Ultimate Guide to Finding the Count of Comments from You on a Single Repo

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Are you tired of scrolling through a sea of comments on a GitHub repository, trying to find the ones you left? Do you want to know how many comments you’ve made on a particular project? Look no further! In this article, we’ll take you on a step-by-step journey to find the count of comments from you on a single repo.

Why Do I Need to Know This?

Knowing the number of comments you’ve made on a repository can be useful in various situations:

  • Tracking engagement**: By keeping track of your comments, you can monitor your engagement with the project and identify areas where you need to contribute more.
  • Identifying areas of expertise**: The number of comments you’ve made on a particular topic or issue can indicate your level of expertise in that area.
  • Improving communication**: Knowing how many comments you’ve made can help you gauge the effectiveness of your communication and adjust your tone or style accordingly.

Method 1: Using GitHub’s Search Function

The easiest way to find the count of comments from you on a single repo is by using GitHub’s built-in search function.

  1. Log in to your GitHub account and navigate to the repository you’re interested in.

  2. In the top-right corner of the repository page, click on the magnifying glass icon to open the search bar.

  3. Type the following query: is:comment author:@your-username repo:repository-name, replacing @your-username with your actual GitHub username and repository-name with the name of the repository.

    is:comment author:@johnDoe repo:awesome-repo
  4. Press Enter to execute the search query. GitHub will display a list of comments made by you on the specified repository.

  5. At the top of the search results page, you’ll see the total number of comments made by you on the repository.

    Search Results Count
    Comments made by @johnDoe on awesome-repo 25

Method 2: Using the GitHub API

For those who prefer a more technical approach, you can use the GitHub API to retrieve the count of comments from you on a single repo.

  1. First, you’ll need to obtain a personal access token from GitHub. To do this, navigate to your GitHub settings, click on Developer settings, and then click on Personal access tokens.

  2. Generate a new token with the repo scope.

  3. Use a tool like cURL or a programming language of your choice to send a GET request to the GitHub API.

    curl -H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_TOKEN" \

    Replace YOUR_TOKEN with your personal access token, REPOSITORY_OWNER with the owner of the repository, and REPOSITORY_NAME with the name of the repository.

  4. In the response, look for the comments key, which contains an array of comment objects.

      "comments": [
          "id": 12345,
          "body": "This is a comment",
          "user": {
            "login": "johnDoe"
          "id": 67890,
          "body": "This is another comment",
          "user": {
            "login": "johnDoe"
  5. Count the number of comment objects where the user.login property matches your GitHub username.

Method 3: Using a Third-Party Tool

If you’re not comfortable using GitHub’s search function or the API, you can use a third-party tool to find the count of comments from you on a single repo.

One such tool is GitHub Comment Search, a web-based tool that allows you to search for comments on GitHub.

  1. Navigate to the GitHub Comment Search website.

  2. Enter your GitHub username and the name of the repository in the search bar.

  3. Click the Search button to execute the query.

  4. The tool will display a list of comments made by you on the specified repository, along with the total count.


Finding the count of comments from you on a single repo is a straightforward process that can be achieved using one of the three methods outlined in this article. Whether you prefer a simple search query, a technical API-based approach, or a third-party tool, you can easily track your engagement with a repository and identify areas where you need to contribute more.

By implementing these methods, you’ll be able to:

  • Monitor your engagement with the project
  • Identify areas of expertise
  • Improve communication with the community

So, go ahead and give these methods a try! Your GitHub comment count is just a few clicks away.

Frequently Asked Question

Got curious about counting comments from you on a single repository? We’ve got the answers!

How do I find the total number of comments I’ve made on a single repository?

Easy peasy! Head to the repository, click on the “Issues” tab, and then select “Comments” from the dropdown menu. You’ll see all your comments listed there. Count them up, and voilĂ ! You’ve got your answer.

Is there a way to filter comments only from me on a specific repository?

Yes, you can! On the repository’s “Issues” page, click on the “Comments” tab, and then click on the ” Filters” button. Select “Comments” and then choose “Author” from the dropdown menu. Type your username, and you’ll see only your comments listed.

Can I use GitHub’s search bar to find my comments on a specific repository?

You bet! Use the search bar at the top of the GitHub page, and type `repo: commenter:@me`. Replace `` with the actual repository name, and GitHub will show you all your comments on that repository.

How do I count comments from me on a repository with hundreds of issues?

We feel you! For large repositories, you can use GitHub’s API to fetch your comments. You can use a tool like `gh` or `curl` to make API requests. Alternatively, you can use a third-party tool or script to count your comments for you.

Will deleted comments be counted in the total comment count?

No, deleted comments will not be included in the total comment count. Only existing comments will be counted, so you can rest assured that your count is accurate.

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