Can pthread_exit be used with noexcept functions? Unraveling the Mystery
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Can pthread_exit be used with noexcept functions? Unraveling the Mystery

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As a developer, you’re no stranger to the world of multithreading and the importance of handling exceptions. But what happens when you combine the power of POSIX threads (pthreads) with the safety net of noexcept functions? Can pthread_exit be used with noexcept functions? In this article, we’ll delve into the depths of this intriguing question and provide you with a comprehensive guide on how to navigate this complex topic.

What is pthread_exit?

Before we dive into the main topic, let’s take a brief look at what pthread_exit is. pthread_exit is a function in the POSIX threads library that terminates the current thread and makes the resources it was using available for other threads. It’s a crucial function in multithreading, as it allows you to control the thread’s lifecycle and ensure proper resource management.

What are noexcept functions?

Noexcept functions, introduced in C++11, are a way to specify that a function does not throw any exceptions. By declaring a function as noexcept, you’re telling the compiler that this function is guaranteed not to throw any exceptions, which can improve performance and simplify error handling. But what happens when you try to use pthread_exit with noexcept functions?

The Problem: Can pthread_exit be used with noexcept functions?

The short answer is no, pthread_exit cannot be used with noexcept functions. But why not? To understand the reason, let’s take a closer look at how pthread_exit works.

#include <pthread.h>

void* thread_func(void* arg) {
    // Do some work
    return NULL; // This line is unreachable

In the example above, pthread_exit is used to terminate the thread. However, the function pthread_exit itself does not return. Instead, it terminates the thread and makes the resources available for other threads. This means that any code after the pthread_exit call will never be executed.

The Issue: Noexcept functions and pthread_exit

Now, let’s see what happens when we try to use pthread_exit with a noexcept function:

#include <pthread.h>

void noexcept_func() noexcept {
    pthread_exit(NULL); // Error: pthread_exit cannot be used with noexcept functions

The compiler will throw an error because pthread_exit does not return, and noexcept functions are not allowed to throw exceptions. This creates a contradiction, as pthread_exit does not return, but the noexcept function guarantees that it does not throw any exceptions.

Solution 1: Using a wrapper function

One way to work around this issue is by using a wrapper function that is not declared as noexcept:

#include <pthread.h>

void wrapper_func() {

void noexcept_func() noexcept {

In this example, the wrapper function takes care of calling pthread_exit, allowing the noexcept function to remain exception-free.

Solution 2: Using a custom exception class

Another approach is to create a custom exception class that can be thrown by the noexcept function:

#include <pthread.h>

class ThreadExitException {};

void noexcept_func() noexcept {
    throw ThreadExitException();

void thread_func() {
    try {
    } catch (const ThreadExitException&) {

In this solution, the noexcept function throws a custom exception, which is then caught by the thread function and handled by calling pthread_exit.

Best Practices for Using pthread_exit with Noexcept Functions

To ensure that your code is reliable and maintainable, follow these best practices when using pthread_exit with noexcept functions:

  • Avoid using pthread_exit with noexcept functions directly: As we’ve seen, pthread_exit and noexcept functions are incompatible. Instead, use wrapper functions or custom exceptions to separate the concerns.
  • Use meaningful exception classes: When creating custom exceptions, make sure they are descriptive and convey the intended meaning. This will help other developers understand the code better.
  • Handle exceptions properly: When catching exceptions, ensure that you’re handling them correctly and not swallowing them silently. This will help prevent unexpected behavior and crashes.
  • Document your code: Clearly document your code, including any workarounds or custom exceptions. This will help other developers understand the code and potential issues that may arise.


In conclusion, while pthread_exit and noexcept functions may seem incompatible, there are ways to work around this limitation. By using wrapper functions or custom exceptions, you can ensure that your code is reliable, maintainable, and follows best practices. Remember to always handle exceptions properly, document your code, and avoid using pthread_exit with noexcept functions directly.

Function Description
pthread_exit Terminates the current thread and makes resources available for other threads
noexcept Specifies that a function does not throw any exceptions

By following the guidelines and best practices outlined in this article, you’ll be well on your way to writing robust, thread-safe code that takes advantage of the power of pthread_exit and noexcept functions.

Frequently Asked Question

Get the lowdown on using pthread_exit with noexcept functions. We’ve got the scoop!

Can I use pthread_exit in a noexcept function?

Yes, you can use pthread_exit in a noexcept function, but beware! pthread_exit will terminate the thread, which might lead to resources not being released properly. Proceed with caution!

What happens if I call pthread_exit from a noexcept function?

When you call pthread_exit from a noexcept function, the thread will terminate, and the stack will be unwound. However, the noexcept guarantee will be violated, which can lead to undefined behavior. Yikes!

Is it safe to use pthread_exit with noexcept functions?

Unfortunately, no. It’s not safe to use pthread_exit with noexcept functions, as it can lead to resource leaks, undefined behavior, and other issues. It’s better to avoid using pthread_exit in noexcept functions altogether.

What’s the alternative to pthread_exit in a noexcept function?

A better approach is to use std::thread::join or std::thread::detach to manage thread termination. These methods provide a safer way to handle thread exit without violating the noexcept guarantee.

Can I use pthread_exit in a noexcept function if I’m careful?

Even with caution, using pthread_exit in a noexcept function is not recommended. The risks of resource leaks, undefined behavior, and other issues outweigh any potential benefits. It’s better to choose a safer, more reliable approach.

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