Solving the Frustrating “Error initializing FFmpegKit: "TypeError: Cannot read property 'getLogLevel' of null" in React Native
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Solving the Frustrating “Error initializing FFmpegKit: "TypeError: Cannot read property 'getLogLevel' of null" in React Native

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Are you tired of staring at this annoying error message in your React Native project? “Error initializing FFmpegKit: "TypeError: Cannot read property 'getLogLevel' of null" is a frustrating issue that can bring your development process to a grinding halt. But fear not, dear developer! In this article, we’ll dive deep into the root cause of this problem and provide a step-by-step guide to resolve it once and for all.

What is FFmpegKit, and why do we need it?

Before we dive into the solution, let’s take a brief look at what FFmpegKit is and why it’s essential in React Native projects. FFmpegKit is a popular open-source library that enables developers to perform various multimedia processing tasks, such as video and audio encoding, decoding, and transcoding. It’s a powerful tool that allows you to manipulate media files with ease, but it can be finicky at times.

Why does the “TypeError: Cannot read property 'getLogLevel' of null” error occur?

The error typically occurs when the FFmpegKit initialization process goes awry. This can happen due to various reasons, including:

  • Incorrect installation or configuration of FFmpegKit
  • Incompatible versions of FFmpegKit and React Native
  • Missing or corrupted native modules
  • Typo or syntax error in the code

Don’t worry if you’re not sure which one of these reasons is causing the issue in your project. We’ll cover each possibility in detail and provide a solution to get you back on track.

Step 1: Verify FFmpegKit Installation

Let’s start by ensuring that FFmpegKit is installed correctly in your project. Follow these steps:

  1. Open your terminal and navigate to your project directory
  2. Run the command `npm install react-native-ffmpeg-kit` or `yarn add react-native-ffmpeg-kit` to install FFmpegKit
  3. Verify that FFmpegKit is listed in your `package.json` file

// package.json
  "dependencies": {
    "react-native-ffmpeg-kit": "^4.3.1",
    // other dependencies

If FFmpegKit is not installed or the version is not compatible with your React Native version, you’ll need to update or reinstall it.

Step 2: Check FFmpegKit Configuration

Next, let’s ensure that FFmpegKit is configured correctly in your React Native project. Follow these steps:

  1. Open your `android/app/src/main/java/com/yourcompany/yourproject/` file (for Android)
  2. Add the following code to the `onCreate` method:
    import com.arthenica.ffmpegkit.FFmpegKit;
    public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
      // ...
      protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        // ...
  3. For iOS, open your `ios/Podfile` file and add the following code:
    target 'YourProject' do
      # ...
      pod 'react-native-ffmpeg-kit', :path => '../node_modules/react-native-ffmpeg-kit'

Make sure to replace `com.yourcompany.yourproject` with your actual package name.

Step 3: Verify Native Modules

In some cases, the error can occur due to missing or corrupted native modules. Follow these steps to resolve the issue:

  1. Run the command `npx react-native run-android` (for Android) or `npx react-native run-ios` (for iOS) to rebuild your project
  2. Verify that the native modules are installed correctly by checking the `android/app/src/main/java` (for Android) or `ios/Podfile` (for iOS) files

If you’re still facing issues, try deleting the `node_modules` directory and running `npm install` or `yarn install` to reinstall the dependencies.

Step 4: Check for Typo or Syntax Errors

Sometimes, a simple typo or syntax error can cause the initialization process to fail. Follow these steps:

  1. Review your code for any typos or syntax errors
  2. Check the FFmpegKit documentation and examples to ensure you’re using the correct syntax
  3. Verify that you’re importing FFmpegKit correctly in your JavaScript code:
    import { FFmpegKit } from 'react-native-ffmpeg-kit';

If you’ve double-checked your code and still can’t find the issue, try commenting out any FFmpegKit-related code and see if the error persists.

Additional Troubleshooting Steps

If you’ve followed all the above steps and still encounter the error, try these additional troubleshooting measures:

  • Check the FFmpegKit version compatibility with your React Native version
  • Try downgrading or upgrading FFmpegKit to see if the issue resolves
  • Verify that your Android or iOS platform is correctly configured
  • Check the device or emulator logs for any error messages related to FFmpegKit
FFmpegKit Version React Native Version Compatibility
4.3.1 0.63.3 Compatible
4.2.1 0.62.2 Incompatible
4.4.0 0.64.0 Compatible

By following these steps and troubleshooting measures, you should be able to resolve the “Error initializing FFmpegKit: "TypeError: Cannot read property 'getLogLevel' of null" issue in your React Native project.


FFmpegKit is a powerful tool for multimedia processing in React Native, but it can be finicky at times. By following the steps outlined in this article, you should be able to resolve the “TypeError: Cannot read property 'getLogLevel' of null” error and get your project back on track. Remember to double-check your code, verify native module installation, and troubleshoot FFmpegKit configuration to ensure smooth multimedia processing in your React Native app.

Happy coding, and don’t let those errors get in your way!

Frequently Asked Question

Get the answers to your most pressing questions about the dreaded “Error initializing FFmpegKit: "TypeError: Cannot read property 'getLogLevel' of null" in React Native!”

What is causing the “TypeError: Cannot read property ‘getLogLevel’ of null” error in my React Native app?

This error usually occurs when FFmpegKit is not properly initialized or configured in your React Native project. It might be due to incorrect import statements, misconfigured gradle files, or even a version mismatch between FFmpegKit and React Native.

How do I fix the “TypeError: Cannot read property ‘getLogLevel’ of null” error in my React Native app?

First, make sure you have correctly installed FFmpegKit using npm or yarn. Then, verify that you have imported FFmpegKit correctly in your JavaScript file. Next, check your gradle files to ensure that FFmpegKit is properly linked. Finally, try cleaning and rebuilding your project to ensure that all dependencies are up-to-date.

Is the “TypeError: Cannot read property ‘getLogLevel’ of null” error related to a specific version of React Native?

Yes, this error is more commonly encountered in React Native versions 0.60 and above, which have changed the way native modules are linked. Make sure you’re using the correct version of FFmpegKit that is compatible with your React Native version.

Can I use a different library instead of FFmpegKit to avoid this error?

Yes, there are alternative libraries available that provide similar functionality to FFmpegKit. For example, you can use react-native-video or react-native-ffmpeg, which might be more compatible with your project requirements. However, keep in mind that each library has its own setup and configuration process.

Where can I find more resources and troubleshooting guides for FFmpegKit in React Native?

You can check out the official FFmpegKit documentation, React Native documentation, and various online forums such as GitHub, Stack Overflow, and Expo forums. These resources often have comprehensive guides, tutorials, and troubleshooting tips to help you resolve issues related to FFmpegKit and React Native.

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